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Generative AI in College and Departmental Administration

Generative AI can be an important assistant in promoting excellence in the role of dean, associate dean, department chair or department head.

A computer-generated image of many light blue locked padlocks with one red unlocked padlock.

More Malware, Less Ransomware in Higher Ed

Cybercriminals often target known network vulnerabilities. But software updates and patches only work when installed, and colleges face nontrivial hurdles in this regard.

The Future of Expense Management

The Future of Expense Management

" The Future of Expense Management" is a new print-on-demand booklet from Inside Higher Ed. You may download the free...

Back to the New Normal: Finding Efficiencies and Managing Expenses

" Back to the New Normal: Finding Efficiencies and Managing Expense" is a new compilation of articles and essays from...

College Closures and the Cost to Consumers

Campus shutdowns come with real costs to students and families, write Nick Ducoff and Sabrina Manville, yet consumers can struggle to find information about the financial viability of colleges.

Students, Finance & Completion

"Students, Finance & Completion" is a new compilation of topical and timely articles from Inside Higher Ed. A free copy...

Leadership in Changing Times: Supporting Students and Institutions With Creativity and Efficiency

"Leadership in Changing Times: Supporting Students and Institutions With Creativity and Efficiency" is a new compilation of topical and timely...

Private Colleges Need a New Agenda

To avoid closure or merger, they must begin to think differently, argues W. Kent Barnds.