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MOOCs' Missing Pieces
Before these massive online courses truly transform higher education, they need to focus on some key teaching issues, writes Gary S. May.
Publishers Double Down
Publishers say they will appeal district court ruling on landmark Georgia State copyright case, raising the stakes on a case that could set bar for fair use and digital library reserves.
MOOCs' Contradictions
Universities are going to have difficulty if they continue to claim the content of the new courses is of the same caliber as traditional courses, and yet decline to award full credit, writes David Touve.

Keep It Simple
Ozarks Technical Community College's new homepage is turning heads with its stripped-down approach that emphasizes a search bar, and little else.
MOOCing On Site
A second major MOOC provider signs deal to hold exams at physical testing centers, potentially elevating the credibility of certificates.
MOOCs' Little Brother
The U. of Maine at Presque Isle pilots open online courses that are anti-massive, featuring high levels of instructor feedback and pathways to formal credit.
Hour by Hour
The credit hour wasn't supposed to measure learning, for good reason, according to a new report, which recommends how to revise or even drop the standard without leading to abuse.

Newt and a MOOC
Newt Gingrich teaches Newt U. from GOP convention, and the classes are streamed online by KAPx, a new MOOC platform from Kaplan.
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