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Betting on Performance

Employees at an Australian university will vote this week on a proposal to tie their raises to the university's financial results, with a bonus pool possible.

A Market Approach

Eastern Washington U. and its faculty union agree to base professors' raises on how much above or below the market they are in their disciplines.

Ceiling or Incentive?

Would legislating a limit on faculty overtime result in more professors reaching the limit -- and reducing spots for adjuncts? California faculty groups square off over the question.

Merit Furloughs

Nevada faculty members want to know why the state is restoring bonus pay for some while requiring all professors to take 6 days of unpaid leave a year.

Devaluing Degrees

Elimination of pay raises for teachers' master’s degrees in North Carolina could have major impact on budgets of education schools and their universities.

Empty Lecterns

As Ph.D.s across the country look for jobs, some professor slots at regional universities outside of major cities go unfilled due to low salaries. U. of Wisconsin at Stevens Point illustrates the challenges.

Underpaid Coaches?

New study says universities actually spend more per professor on salaries than they do per coach, and that high athletic salaries derive from funds that don't come from the state or institution.

Bucking the Trend

While other colleges have cut adjuncts' hours to avoid insurance mandates ahead of the Affordable Care Act taking effect, College of DuPage is offering some adjuncts coverage under a new "lecturer" designation.