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Don Kassner of MonitorEDU: Pulse Podcast

This week’s episode of the Pulse podcast features a conversation with Don Kassner, president and founder of MonitorEDU. In the...

East Virginia Medical School Settles First Amendment Lawsuit

Eastern Virginia Medical School on Tuesday settled a lawsuit with a medical student who argued that his First Amendment rights...

Cal State Halts Payouts to Former Executives

The California State University system will halt the flow of millions of dollars to former system officials who resigned in...

New Education Department Rules on Failing For-Profit Colleges

The Education Department announced new measures that will hold companies that own for-profit colleges that fail responsible for the funds...

New Presidents or Provosts: American International College, Bryant U, Holy Family U, Lake Forest College, Lyon College, Moravian U, Scottsdale CC, U of Maryland–Baltimore

Jill M. Baren, provost and vice president of academic affairs at the University of the Sciences, in Pennsylvania, has been...

Expensive Gas Prices? Try Virtual Learning

Rushing back to normal, we may be harming students.

A Pandemic Reflection Process

To build leadership capacities and institutional resilience, colleges should engage in a process of structured reflection on their own pandemic histories, Suzanne Wilson Summers writes.

Middle East Studies Scholars Approve BDS Resolution

The Middle East Studies Association said Wednesday that its members voted 768 to 167 to join the boycott, divestment and...