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Maine Trustees Ignored System Policies in Extending Malloy

A short-term contract extension granted to University of Maine system chancellor Dannel Malloy appears to have sidestepped system policies on...

Biden Administration Will Not Hold Corinthian Executives Accountable

The Biden administration confirmed that it does not have the legal authority to hold former executives of the now-defunct for-profit...

The Motherhood Penalty Begins in College

With abortion access under threat, more women, particularly those from low-income backgrounds, will be at risk of stopping out, Natalie Milan, Kaylee T. Matheny and Ilana M. Horwitz write.

How Public Scholarship Assignments Benefit Undergraduates

When we ask our students to share their expertise with audiences outside the walls of the classroom, their motivation to learn increases, writes Jocelyn Frelier.

Is Title IX Creating a College Quasi Court?

Administrators and legal experts say yes—and that recent regulatory changes have deterred victims from reporting.

Inflation, Inflation, Inflation

AAUP report says inflation has underscored the problem of stagnant wage growth for professors.

Tenure Awarded at… College of Coastal Georgia, Quinnipiac, Truckee Meadows CC

College of Coastal Georgia Tyler Bagwell, communication James Benton, accounting Karen Lucas, mathematics education Aurora Pope, visual art Maryanne Sandberg...

Social Media Benefits for LGBTQ Youth: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Linda Charmaraman, senior research scientist at the Wellesley Center for Women at Wellesley College, explores...