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‘Illusion of Inclusion’

Faculty satisfaction data reveal big gaps between how white and nonwhite professors experience campus diversity and inclusion efforts.

What SolarWinds Hack Means for Campuses

Colleges and universities aren't confirming that they were hit by the massive SolarWinds cyberattack, but IT experts say the hack calls for bolstering cybersecurity for the future.

Academic Minute: Secret History of Race and Comics

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Misericordia University Week, Patrick Hamilton, professor of English, looks at popular culture through...

Compilation of Articles on ‘Envisioning Higher Education’s Future’

Inside Higher Ed has published " Envisioning Higher Education's Future," a new compilation of articles and essays on various ways...

Ep. 34: Serving Working Students With Innovation and Agility

Gregory Adam Haile, Broward's president, talked about the college's work to add short-term credentials that are stackable and feature embedded...

Ep. 33: Expanding Online Through Partnerships

We spoke with Andrew Clark, the founder, president and CEO of Zovio, a publicly traded education technology services company that...

Ep. 32: Student Wellbeing During the Fall Term

Michael Sorrell, Paul Quinn's president, talked about how the work college sought to stay connected with students during an online...

Ep. 31: Cal State's Next Chancellor

Castro talked about his top priorities as he steps into the new role, including to continue Cal State's push to...