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Academic Minute: Thinking Sociologically

Today on the Academic Minute, Katrina Hoop, associate professor of sociology at St. Joseph’s College, discusses teaching her students to...

The Nuances of the Free College Debate

Some Democrats and some Republicans don't fit neatly into their expected boxes on the issue.

‘Close to Open Revolt’

Graduate students and RAs at the University of Michigan are on strike over the university's COVID-19 response.

New, Innovative Approaches to Successfully Managing Foreign Influence | Tuesday, September 15th at 2:00 pm ET

Learn how to leverage new technologies and techniques that are key to helping keep your researchers and your institutions safe...

Community Responses After Disasters

What can communal trauma suffered in Puerto Rico teach us about the response to COVID-19? In today's Academic Minute, the...

Unpacking the Arizona-Ashford Deal

Despite millions in guaranteed revenue, experts agree establishing the University of Arizona Global Campus will not be risk-free for Arizona.

Doomed From the Start? Or Not?

Some health experts push back against an undercurrent of pessimism about college reopenings.

New Programs: Theology, Health Information, Applied Nutrition, Arabic

Cedarville University is starting two online master of arts programs, one in worship and theology and the other in biblical...