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Pandemic Teaching Prescriptions

Faculty members and students have had better experiences in online classes that shared six factors, writes Regan A. R. Gurung.

Reading Scores and the Gender Gap in College Enrollment

New research shows that boys' poor reading skills in adolescence and social attitudes about women attending college could help explain...

Finalists Announced for Aspen's Community College Award

The Aspen Institute's College Excellence program on Tuesday announced 10 finalists for the 2021 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence...

Report: Which Employability Skills Are Students Missing?

Two new reports highlight the gaps in employability skills among college graduates. The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities surveyed...

A Call to Action

White allies should speak out on behalf of unheard black people and communities, writes Jourdan Hilaire, who offers suggestions for how to do so beyond simply posting on Facebook.

More Confusion Over Emergency Aid

The Education Department appeared ready to issue a rule limiting who can get the CARES Act's emergency aid grants but backed off at the last minute.

Online Learning Is Not the Future

Technology advocates may see online teaching as the best path forward, but one important audience vociferously disagrees: students, Peter C. Herman writes.

New Presidents or Provosts: American U of Rome, Bay Path U, College of Saint Mary, Franklin College, George Mason U, Illinois State U, Lubbock Christian U, Middlesex CC, Seattle Pacific U, U of the South

Kimberly Allen, assistant vice president for academic affairs at Maryville University, in Missouri, has been named vice president for academic...