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Academic Minute: Chemical Signaling

Today on the Academic Minute, Shady Amin, assistant professor of biology at NYU Abu Dhabi, explains how organisms that don’t...

Interview Practices for Title IX Investigators

A new study published in the Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition says that certain recommended interviewing skills...

College Reopens After Closing Over Threats

Elmhurst College, a private institution located near Chicago, reopened Wednesday after being shut down for two days over concerns about...

The Sketchy Legal Ground for Online Revenue Sharing

The federal guidance that allows colleges to share tuition dollars with contractors that help them recruit students -- as long as they provide other services, too -- conflicts with the law and should be revoked, Robert Shireman argues.

Climate Change and Travel

To combat climate change, wider public support is needed. In today's Academic Minute, Rollins College's Mike Gunter says travel might...

IBM Looks Beyond the College Degree

The tech company is looking for different ways to fill “new-collar” jobs in its 360,000-employee workforce by adding digital badges and apprenticeships and deepening partnerships with community colleges.

As Fires Rage, More Campuses Close

Across California, institutions are grappling with how best to provide for students and employees while combating power outages and poor air quality. For many, this is the new normal.

Fresh Guidance for Merging Colleges

Mergers are “one more tactical arrow in a strategic quiver,” according to authors of new book offering practical advice on higher ed M&A.