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States Narrow Gaps in Completion Rates

Six-year completion rates across nearly all states are rising, and gaps among them are narrowing, according to newly released data...

Support for Free College, but What Kind?

Americans are more likely to support tuition-free college programs if there's no income cap and students have to graduate high...

Ethical College Admissions: Yogi Berra, Wile E. Coyote and Albion

The future of college admissions is worrisome on many fronts, writes Jim Jump.


Nature has given us a template for creating a powerful compound to fight a broad array of viruses. In today's...

Academic Minute: Viperin

Today on the Academic Minute, Steven Almo, professor in the department of biochemistry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine...

Education Department Launches Investigation of ACICS

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos told a House education appropriations subcommittee that the department has launched an investigation of the...

Demanding a Provost's Resignation

University of Oklahoma students want change -- in the form of a new provost -- following several racist incidents on campus.

Columbia College Trims Staff

Columbia College, a private nonprofit based in Columbia, Mo., which operates 40 regional campuses, is laying off 49 employees. Columbia...