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UC Santa Cruz Strike Spreads

The University of California, Santa Cruz’s ongoing graduate employee strike over a requested cost of living adjustment spread to two...

Education Department Creates Coronavirus Task Force

Betsy DeVos, the U.S. secretary of education, announced Thursday that the Education Department is creating a task force to prepare...

Report Challenges Value of Textbook Auto-Billing

Contracts between colleges and publishers allowing students to be automatically billed for course materials as part of their college fees...

Mindful Pleasures

Scott McLemee explores upcoming university press books on intellectual vitality.

Bellevue College Apologizes for Altering Art on WWII Internment

A college in Washington State issued an apology after one of its administrators changed part of an art installation on...

Academic Minute: Viperin

Today on the Academic Minute, Steven Almo, professor in the department of biochemistry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine...

Education Department Launches Investigation of ACICS

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos told a House education appropriations subcommittee that the department has launched an investigation of the...

Nicotine and E-Cigarettes

What makes someone dependent on e-cigarettes? In today's Academic Minute, St. Michael's College's Ari Kirshenbaum devised a game to find...