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Fake Citations Kill a Career

Columbia says a historian's acclaimed book on North Korea was plagiarized, and its publisher says it's been taken out of print.

A Graduate Program's Twist on Alternative Financing

Online nursing program will defer half of tuition, charge no interest and make repayment based on income. Questions abound.

Analyzing OPM Contracts

Century Foundation urges colleges to "take control" back from online program management companies with report that criticizes revenue sharing with OPMs.

New Student-Centered Ph.D. Initiative by AAU

The Association of American Universities on Thursday launched a new program to help universities better prepare Ph.D. students for a...

Academic Minute: Student Loan Debt Crisis

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Westminster (Utah) College Week, James (Cid) Seidelman, distinguished service professor of economics, examines...

Harvard Says It Received Millions From Epstein

Harvard University president Lawrence S. Bacow announced Thursday that the university had received at least $9 million in donations from...

Evaluating the Genuine Fake

Scott McLemee reviews Lydia Pyne's Genuine Fakes: How Phony Things Teach Us About Real Stuff.

Navigating the Dialectic of Privilege and Oppression

Jennifer M. Gómez writes of her tendency as a new faculty member of color to highlight the systemic wrongs she's experienced while ignoring the potential for change her position now allows.