Colleges Balk at Federal Plan to Require Attendance Taking in Online Courses

The department says taking attendance will help ensure Title IV funds are used properly. Online-facing faculty said it will create a financial and time burden.

$237M Donation to Florida A&M Was ‘Fraudulent’

A third-party investigation of the historic donation to Florida A&M University from a mysterious donor finds the gift was worthless—and that the university’s now-resigned president pressured staff to move forward despite concerns.

Listen: Where Upward Transfer Fails and How Institutions Are Improving Processes

On the latest Voices of Student Success episode, hear about the state of upward transfer in the U.S., the opportunities to improve processes and how one college improved advising to support associate degree earners.

Report: Designing Online Courses for Students With Disabilities

Research from the Center for Higher Education Policy and Practice identifies six ways to improve accessibility in online education through intentional design principles.

Quick Takes



Farewell to the Cultural Center?

In the culture wars, university cultural centers are collateral damage, Jeremy C. Young writes.

6 Guidelines to Give New Parents

At orientation and in other communication, higher ed administrators should get strategic and creative about messaging so that parents can remember key takeaways and receive more detailed information as time goes on, writes Philip A. Glotzbach, a president emeritus.


Not So Fast on Teaching AI ‘Skills’

Preparing students for the future means thinking deeply about the questions new technologies raise.

The Canon Debate

Tradition versus innovation in the arts and humanities.

Career Advice

What Could a Theologian Have to Say About Good Writing?

Just like those in other disciplines, we must persuade students of its value and help them cultivate ways to enhance clarity of expression and style, writes James Ball.

Shared Governance in Tumultuous Times

As the tradition is strongly tested, a faculty senate leader, Stephen J. Silvia, and a former provost, Scott A. Bass, suggest nine keys to respectful collaboration.


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The Confusion and Chaos of Title IX Reform

President Biden, when he was elected in 2020, promised to immediately overturn Trump-era Title IX reforms. But the bold changes he introduced to the federal government’s gender equality law have hit a series of regulatory and political roadblocks causing chaos and confusion among compliance officers, university leaders and students. Judges have temporarily blocked enforcement in nearly half the country, leaving the future of Biden’s reforms hanging in the balance. Get up to speed with Inside Higher Ed’s coverage of the key developments.