Can AI Be Used to Cheat on Multiple-Choice Exams?

A Florida State professor found a way to catch AI cheating on multiple-choice tests. He also found that ChatGPT got a lot of “easy” questions wrong.

University of Austin Enters Its First Academic Year

The newly minted, hotly debated university, founded by some vocal conservative figures, opened the doors to it first cohort of freshmen.

How Title VI Is Tripping Up Colleges

The Office for Civil Rights has resolved six investigations into how colleges responded to reports of antisemitism. The findings show how those colleges fell short of federal law and hold lessons for the rest of higher ed.

Scientists Ramp Up Public Engagement to Combat Misinformation

Scientists have the knowledge to combat misinformation online, and now some are receiving the institutional support to communicate with a broad public audience.

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What Is at Stake in an Academic Boycott?

The movement to boycott Israeli universities puts academic freedom at risk, Cary Nelson writes.

Wake Up, Academia: The AI Revolution Waits for No One

Many higher ed institutions are preparing students for a world that no longer exists, arming them with skills that may be obsolete before they even graduate, writes Angela Virtu of American University’s Kogod School of Business—which is ensuring every student will graduate understanding AI holistically.


Challenging the Transactional Mindset

Students struggle with agency. Without it, it’s hard to accomplish anything, learning-wise.

How Words Shape Us

Understanding the power and limits of language.

Career Advice

The Imperfect Tutor: Grading, Feedback and AI

Patricia Taylor has found using AI takes more time and creates more problems than not if instructors want students to get meaningful feedback on their work.

A Campus Leader Needs to Find Their Social Voice

If you’re a president or aspire to such a role, you’ll do a better job if you gain your social media footing, write Rachael Hagerstrom and Laurie Fenlason.


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The Confusion and Chaos of Title IX Reform

President Biden, when he was elected in 2020, promised to immediately overturn Trump-era Title IX reforms. But the bold changes he introduced to the federal government’s gender equality law have hit a series of regulatory and political roadblocks causing chaos and confusion among compliance officers, university leaders and students. Judges have temporarily blocked enforcement in nearly half the country, leaving the future of Biden’s reforms hanging in the balance. Get up to speed with Inside Higher Ed’s coverage of the key developments.