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Questioning the Machine

Scott McLemee reviews Mark Coeckelbergh’s The Political Philosophy of AI.

Room for Improvement

Scott McLemee begins a two-part look at Mark Coeckelbergh’s books Self-Improvement: Technologies of the Soul in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and The Political Philosophy of AI.

A Present of Things Past

Scott McLemee takes an early look at university press books coming this fall.

Ticking Time Bombs and Eternity

Scott McLemee reviews Ron E. Hassner’s Anatomy of Torture.

A Good Bookstore Is Hard to Find

Scott McLemee reviews Jeff Deutsch’s In Praise of Good Bookstores.

‘A Philosopher Looks at Digital Communication’

Scott McLemee considers Onora O’Neill’s book A Philosopher Looks at Digital Communication.

Politics, Religion and Inviting Disaster

Scott McLemee discusses Matthew Rose’s A World After Liberalism: Philosophers of the Radical Right with the author.

After Liberalism… the Deluge

Scott McLemee reports on Matthew Rose’s A World After Liberalism: Philosophers of the Radical Right.