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Evergreen With Envy

Scott McLemee reviews Robert A. Schneider’s The Return of Resentment: The Rise and Decline and Rise Again of a Political Emotion.

Of Hobbitology

Scott McLemee interviews author Robert T. Tally Jr. on J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit: Realizing History Through Fantasy: A Critical Companion.

Driven to Distraction

Scott McLemee reviews Jamie Kreiner’s The Wandering Mind: What Medieval Monks Tell Us About Distraction.
The book cover for Denise Gigante’s Book Madness: A Story of Book Collectors in America.

A Book of Books

Scott McLemee reviews Denise Gigante’s Book Madness: A Story of Book Collectors in America.

First-Person Singular

Scott McLemee highlights forthcoming university press books of a more personal nature.

Gentrification Matters

Scott McLemee reviews Leslie Kern’s Gentrification Is Inevitable and Other Lies.

The Self, Decentered

Scott McLemee reviews Gregory Berns’s The Self Delusion: The New Neuroscience of How We Invent―and Reinvent―Our Identities.

Museum Matters

Scott McLemee reviews Daniel H. Weiss’s Why the Museum Matters.