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Magickal Realism

Scott McLemee reviews The Last Witches of England: A Tragedy of Sorcery and Superstition by John Callow.

No Such Luck

Scott McLemee reviews Barbara Blatchley’s What Are the Chances? which explores how beliefs about winning streaks can be manifestations of a shaky grasp of the principles of probability.

‘Neo-Nationalism and Universities’

Scott McLemee discusses a timely new book with its editor, John Aubrey Douglass.

Simplify, Simplify

Scott McLemee reviews A Philosophy of Simple Living by Jérôme Brillaud.

True Crime and Punishment

Scott McLemee reviews Mikita Brottman’s Couple Found Slain: After a Family Murder.

The Pre-Post-COVID Condition

Scott McLemee surveys a roundup of books for fall that are pertinent to the COVID pandemic.

In Spite of Everything

Scott McLemee explores Spite: The Upside of Your Dark Side by Simon McCarthy-Jones.

Not-So-Silent Reading

After testing numerous text-to-speech programs for both laptop and e-reader, Scott McLemee shares the results.