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‘Colleges on the Brink’
Broken budgets, not hostile takeovers, are the biggest challenge for most presidents, Michael T. Nietzel and Charles M. Ambrose write.

The Misguided War on Test Optional
Akil Bello argues defenders of test requirements attack student choice and institutional priority setting.

The Incalculable Benefits of an Advisory Network
It expands upon the idea of mentorship and broadens who can help you make decisions as you chart your career journey, writes Anne Meyer-Minor.

First Do No Harm
Jamie Paris asks if international students are being racially profiled when it comes to AI-related academic misconduct.

The Learning Room: Building Trust in One-on-One Student Appointments
Effective campus support—academic or otherwise—involves the student trusting the staff member, the staff member trusting the student and the student having self-trust.

What’s Really at Stake When Colleges Lose Faculty of Color?
Top administrators must respond to increasingly pervasive legislation that hinders the recruitment, retention and vital work of those faculty members, writes Jackie Pedota.
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