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Companies, Nonprofits Launch Emergency Student Aid Effort

A new initiative from an alliance of educational technology companies and education-focused nonprofits will target emergency aid to college students...

Academic Minute: Reading During the Civil War

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Mercer University Week, Sarah Gardner, professor of history, explores how some made it...

Harvard Settles for $1.3M in Grant Fraud Case

Harvard University will pay more than $1.3 million to resolve allegations that a former faculty member overcharged grants from the...

Survey Identifies ‘Dangerous’ Student Self-Censorship

More than half of college students in the United States say they are reluctant to share their views about politics...

Academic Minute: Gentrification and African American History

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Mercer University Week, Melanie Pavich, associate professor of interdisciplinary and historical studies, explores...

Attainment Rate Up in Kentucky

Some good news: college attainment in Kentucky is up. The number of conferred undergraduate degrees and credentials increased by 3.5...

Kirkwood CC Settles With Pro-Antifa Instructor

Kirkwood Community College in Iowa settled for $25,000 with a former adjunct professor of English with whom it broke ties...

Academic Minute: Combating Parkinson’s Disease

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Mercer University Week, Nader Moniri, associate dean for research and professor in the...