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Acadia University in Canada fired Rick Mehta, associate professor of psychology, following an investigation into comments he made on social media and in the classroom, CBC News reported. Mehta has said that multiculturalism is a scam, that there is no wage gap between men and women, and that Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission has created a victim narrative regarding those who attended Indian Residential Schools.
Mehta said he is disappointed in the decision and has filed for arbitration and wants his job back. "By the collective agreement they do have to say that it's just cause, but I guess I would disagree with that," Mehta reportedly said Friday, declining to offer details on his termination. Acadia confirmed the dismissal but also declined further comment, saying it’s a private personnel matter.
Acadia informed Mehta in a February letter that students, faculty members and others were concerned about some of his views, and that the university had “a legal responsibility to provide an environment free from discrimination, sexual harassment and personal harassment.” Mehta previously made public a letter from his department, which said that some students were anxious about class or had stopped attending due to his comments. He's said he takes issue with being told how to run his class. The Acadia University Faculty Association announced last week that it plans to pursue arbitration on Mehta’s behalf. "The termination of a tenured professor is very serious," it said, noting it will "examine the administration's disciplinary procedures and evidence."