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Frye Revived

The pre-eminent literary theorist of the 1960s and '70s went out fashion -- yet never really went away. Scott McLemee looks into the afterlife of an original.

The Real Change Agents

To reform community colleges, you need to reach below the presidential level, writes James Jacobs.

Fight Global Poverty

Current and former college presidents have a duty, writes Nannerl O. Keohane.

Treadmill to Oblivion

An anonymous instructor describes 25 years working as an adjunct.

Commencement Day

Matthew McConaughey? Seriously? Wouldn't the money be better spent on learning how to travel in time, as in Interstellar? Rob Zaretsky wonders.

Lessons to Share

The five superintendents of federal service academies discuss how their institutions -- which faced scrutiny over sexual assault before many other colleges attracted such attention -- have responded to the issue.

Thinking Different(ly) About University Presses

Lynn U organizes its faculty-created textbook initiative into a digital press. But can a university press survive on Apple's electronic textbooks alone?

Get Well Soon

Put down that chocolate and pick up some broccoli! Improve your attitude and you can do anything! Scott McLemee looks into a new book on the critique of self-improvement.