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Ratings Are Not So Easy

It's hard to argue with President Obama's analysis of higher education's problems, writes Karen Gross, but his proposed solution -- a system for rating colleges -- must be crafted very carefully.

The Sexual Politics of Scholarship

Laura Wright considers the way the ideas of women -- in and out of the academy -- are judged.

Better Off Dead

In a rebuttal to a recent essay, faculty leaders explain why a recently stalled California bill to grant academic credit for third-party courses would have hurt students and taxpayers.

'A Freedom Budget for All'

Everyone remembers Dr. King's speech at the March on Washington -- but not the blueprint for realizing his dream. Scott McLemee interviews the author of a new book on the subject.

The Teacher's Task

The books taught in humanities courses have the power to influence and abet change, and professors should encourage -- not run from -- students' transformations, Mark Edmundson writes.

Walking Into Big Data

Felicia B. LeClere has focused much of her career on data analysis, and considers why recent trends make her uneasy.

The Slippery Slope of Price Competition

Colleges risk discounting their way into oblivion, writes Ian Mortimer. Let's improve our product instead, and compete on that.

The PLUS Loan Problem

The federal government should revise its loan program for parents and graduate students to better protect borrowers and taxpayers, Justin Draeger writes.