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The MOOC Poem

With apologies to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Sherman Dorn considers the hype over massive open online courses.

Don't Tinker. Toss the SAT.

The "common core" movement led by the head of the College Board has made the organization's exam less needed than ever, writes Joseph Soares.


Thomas Friedman's latest celebration of massive open online courses is riddled with contradictions and shallow thinking, writes Carolyn Foster Segal.

Cardinal Questions

Can believers and unbelievers find fellowship? Scott McLemee looks at the 21st-century dialogue between faith and reason.

Peer Grading Can’t Work

Jonathan Rees found much to like in a MOOC in which he enrolled, but writes that the use of students to evaluate one another does not work and undermines the role of professors.

English Prof as Entrepreneur

Scholars in the humanities have a money-making tradition to draw upon, and they should embrace it, writes Richard Utz.

Yes, Virginia is O.K. But…

Garrison Walters offers some thoughts on the lessons that trustees and others should (and shouldn't) have drawn from the University of Virginia's governance meltdown.

My Substitute Semester

An unexpected message from an unlikely source helped Michael Bugeja return to the classroom.