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Why Flipped Classes Often Flop

Chandralekha Singh shares some lessons she learned from students taking such courses during the pandemic.

Beyond Tenure Clock Management

In the era of COVID, too few institutions have been considering changes to policies and procedures that could support a wide range of researchers, writes Todd Butler.

Choice vs. Circumstance

Sonali Majumdar and Jenny Schneider discuss three distinct strengths developed from international researchers' lived experiences that are valuable for professional success.

Retirement in the Plague Year

The separation from campus -- the drawing back caused by the coronavirus -- has sharpened the edge of my retirement by removing the physicality of it, writes Patrick Scanlon.

Preparing for Another Semester of Pandemic Instruction 2.0

Frances B. Henderson offers some final advice for BIPOC faculty who are preparing to teach during the upcoming spring semester.

A Case for Mischief Makers

Michael Stepniak and Brian Pertl urge deans and directors to take a risk during these tumultuous times and hire faculty and staff members who have a natural impulse to nudge against tradition.

Opening Day

David Galef advises how not to conduct your first class.

Avoiding the Groans, Sighs and Eye Rolls

Zahir I. Latheef offers lessons for any class you teach, whether online or in person, requiring group work among students.