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Opening Day

David Galef advises how not to conduct your first class.

Avoiding the Groans, Sighs and Eye Rolls

Zahir I. Latheef offers lessons for any class you teach, whether online or in person, requiring group work among students.

How to Revise and Resubmit Without Losing Your Voice

Jude Mikal offers 10 tips for crafting responsive revisions while remaining true to your basic intent in the face of self-doubt, structural changes and biased review comments.

Bearing Witness

Austin Sarat describes why he’s decided to skip the jargon and write for general audiences as if the survival of truth depends on it.

Accomplish the Things That Matter

To succeed, all grad students must develop a sense of how to manage the big, relatively unconstrained nature of their work and how to reach imprecise goals, writes Victoria McGovern.

Preparing for Another Semester of Pandemic Instruction

Frances B. Henderson offers tips for faculty members who are Black, Indigenous and people of color to help alleviate anxiety as they prepare for 2021.

Creating a Third Space for Conversation and Reflection

Graduate students need a safe community in which to weather the pandemic and develop professionally, write Rose Marie Ward, Amanda B. Diekman, Ellen Yezierski and Stacey Lowery Bretz.

A Rapid Response to Racism in STEM

Colleges can teach science through a social justice lens and turn curricular challenges into opportunities for inclusive excellence, write Laura W. Burrus, Audrey Parangan-Smith, Blake Riggs and Cathy Samayoa.