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Synergy and Strife

Turning creative friction into the spark of innovation.

Cover of "Supercommunicators" by Charles Duhigg

‘Supercommunicators’ and the Challenges of Hybrid Professional Academic Work

Why hybrid university work is better but feels worse, and where learning to be better digital communicators may help.

The End of the Road

How literature can illuminate a president’s decision to forgo re-election and unmask the complexities of aging and betrayal and manipulation in politics.

Featured Gig: Associate Director, Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation at the University System of Maryland

Are you running a search at the intersection of learning, technology and institutional change?

Restaging the Suffrage Fight in ‘Suffs: The Musical’

The challenges of bringing the suffrage movement to life through song and story.

The Healing Stage

Performance art as therapy, self-expression and a path to empowerment.