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  • Johns Hopkins University announced a $100 million pledge this morning. The funds -- from an anonymous donor -- will support: the renovation of Gilman Hall, home to many humanities departments; construction of a children's tower at the Johns Hopkins Hospital; and a series of initiatives at the university's medical school and school of public health. The pledge is the fourth nine-figure commitment the university has received.
  • Conflict between the board and the president of Lansing Community College ended Wednesday with the president leaving immediately, The Lansing State Journal reported. Both sides told the newspaper that the departure was voluntary. But Paula Cunningham, the president, and board leaders have clashed over issues of management and presidential authority.
  • A report by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education urges more accountability on recruiting and retaining minority students. The report urges that the state require specific performance goals on recruiting and retaining minority students -- along with regular reporting requirements. The panel that wrote the study was convened following a series of racial incidents at colleges in the state.
  • The National Collegiate Athletic Association on Wednesday placed Florida A&M University on four years' probation and restricted financial aid awards in all 15 sports because of more than 200 rules violations committed over seven years. The association's Division I Committee on Infractions concluded that the university lacked "institutional control" over its sports program because its compliance office was "understaffed and underfunded, said Josephine R. Potuto, a professor at the University of Nebraska College of Law and the panel's vice chair.
  • The California Institute of Technology is known for exceptionally smart students, but 24 of them -- dressed in Superman outfits, tutus, and other costumes -- needed the help of a local rescue team in Pasadena Tuesday when they became stranded on a road, unaware that a landslide had blocked access, The Pasadena Star News reported. The students were in costume as part of an initiation involving a Caltech dormitory.

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