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Three people pose for a photo with a panther mascot above them

Desperate Times, Unorthodox Measures

The FAFSA fiasco set fall enrollments back, far behind targets for many vulnerable small colleges. Some are taking extreme steps to fill their empty seats.

A hand holding money is reaching toward a hand holding test answers

AP Exams Face a Security Test

An international cheating ring led to an uptick in AP score cancellations this year, expediting plans to digitize the exams. Will that make them more secure?

A light-skinned Black man with gray hair wearing a suit and tie sits at a desk

Locking In a FAFSA Deadline

A House committee advanced a bill to mandate the FAFSA be released by Oct. 1 going forward. Democrats and higher ed advocacy groups are split over the proposal.

Two men's faces tranposed on a picture of a government building in orange

The College Board’s FAFSA Takeover

The embattled Federal Student Aid office enlisted executives from the nonprofit to help launch next year’s aid form. Is it a necessary shake-up or an ethical blunder?

Tennessee College-Going Rate on the Rise

The Tennessee Higher Education Commission recently reported the largest year-over-year increase in the state’s college-going rate since the 2015 launch...
A black man with a beard wearing a suit stands in front of the Supreme Court building

Affirmative Action Ban’s Impact Is a ‘Black Box’

Bryan Cook wants to study how the Supreme Court’s affirmative action ruling is affecting diversity in higher ed. It’s proven more difficult than he bargained for.

People walk up a sidewalk next to a brick building

FAFSA Fiasco Forces Cuts at Small Colleges

Many small private colleges are surviving quarter to quarter, narrowly avoiding sweeping budget cuts. The bungled FAFSA rollout pushed some over the edge.

A person in a T-shirt and glasses holds two mini buildings with dollar signs over them

Financial Aid Timelines Sway Student Enrollment

A new report shows the importance of aid offers in college decisions—not just amount but also timeliness and clarity, two factors hampered by the FAFSA debacle.