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The Stunning Rankings Scandal at Temple

Dean is ousted; incorrect data submitted for years on several criteria; state attorney general among those investigating.

The Week in Admissions News

Cowboys as marketing theme; student loan game show; politics of free college; low-income students at selective colleges.

Transfers Up at University of California Campuses

System notoriously hard to get into sees notable increase in those coming from state's community colleges -- and also gains in minority enrollments through that route.

For Fate of SAT Writing Test, Watch California

More top colleges drop requirement and University of California is studying the test, which College Board defends. Plus, more colleges go test optional; controversy over math scores on SAT. Update: Michigan drops essay.

An 'Easy' SAT and Terrible Scores

Math scores for June's examination leave many students in disbelief and frustration, blasting the power of curves.

Accreditors Eye Temple

University is supposed to abide by standards requiring honesty and integrity. But is it in compliance after revealing that its business school lied for years to get higher rankings? U.S. News also seeks more information.

Lies, Damned Lies and Rankings

Temple reveals that scandal over false information submitted for rankings of its online M.B.A. was much broader than earlier known. Dean, found to have dismantled system for checking accuracy of data, is ousted.

Will Trump Change the Way Colleges Seek Diversity?

Most experts don't expect admissions efforts to diminish, but many say outcome of a key court case could have a big impact.