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Time to Play Offense

Instead of focusing on deflating myths and countering sensationalized media accounts, college leaders need to reframe the discussion of value, writes David Maxwell.

The Return of the Sequester

Mandatory budget cuts are scheduled to take effect March 1. This time, colleges fear it might actually happen, but have little idea how the cuts would be applied.

Questions on Debit Cards

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau opens an inquiry into colleges' agreements with banks and providers of preloaded debit cards.

Fewer Bucks, More Bangs

Without enough state aid dollars to make college affordable, Colorado is shifting the focus of its grant program from affordability to encouraging credit completion.

What Student Aid Research Shows

Drawing on 50 years of studies, two economists urge policy makers to simplify delivery and design and link aid to performance in college -- conclusions other scholars challenge.

Baby Steps for Need-Based Aid

At meeting of private college presidents, campaign to discourage use of student aid that is not tied to financial need gains some momentum.

A Guaranteed Pell Grant?

A study suggests that guaranteeing a Pell Grant for low-income students as early as the eighth grade could increase college access and completion.

Limits of Performance-Based Grants

Grants tied to enrollment, persistence and grades bolstered full-time study but did little to increase credits earned by low-income students, study finds.