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Taking Charge of Program Viability

When faced with reorganization and possible program elimination, faculty can respond with a plan to make their programs more viable, Michael J. Cripps writes.

Pulling the Plug on Philosophy

Citing low enrollment, the University of Nebraska at Kearney plans to cut its philosophy major, following the recommendation made by a state board. Students and faculty are fighting to save the program.

A Template for Academic Freedom

Professors seek a united faculty voice against legislative incursions into the curriculum with respect to the teaching of race.

Nebraska’s Critical Race Theory Debate

State’s governor says university regents should oppose discussions of structural racism and suggests censure by professors’ group is an “honor.”

Not-So-Fait Accompli

University of Vermont says announced cuts to the liberal arts are happening. The faculty says otherwise. The bigger story: how universities are seizing on COVID-19 to push through long-desired curricular and staffing reforms.

Is It Time for All Students to Take Ethnic Studies?

As ethnic studies requirements are put in place in California, capping years of struggle, educators discuss why it's important to talk about race in the classroom.

Putting Liberal Arts Programs on Ice

Faculty at Long Island University have raised concerns about a decision to freeze new enrollments in a number of liberal arts programs.

Should Computer Science Be Required?

At far too many institutions today, students who are not computer science majors encounter severe enrollment caps and watered-down or limited courses, writes Robert Sedgewick.