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Pride and Persistence

Bob Blaisdell remembers a student who tried and tried but could not master the skills needed in remedial English.

Working Hard for Results

Carnegie Foundation's remedial math redesign shows big gains but no simple answers to one of higher education's toughest challenges.

College-Ready in California

High school achievement tests are good predictors of performance for students at California's community colleges, but study also finds troubling achievement gaps.

Biting the Bullet on Completion

A community college tries to boost its completion rate, but takes a 20 percent enrollment hit in the process.

Redefining College-Ready

Long Beach City College and South Texas College work with local high schools to prevent students from falling into the quagmire of remedial courses, and placement tests aren't the answer.

Dangerous Curves

To test limits of Johns Hopkins professor's scaled grading policy, all of his students boycott the final -- and all get As as a result.

The College Grad/Employment Mismatch

Study argues that too many bachelor's degree-holders are in jobs that don't require them, raising questions about the campaign to send even more Americans to college.

The New Intelligence

Knewton says its data-rich system can read students' minds. The company has landed Arizona State and Pearson as partners -- will the rest of higher education follow?