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Report: Understanding CPL Policies for Student Success
A review of state policies on credit for prior learning finds a majority offer credit for military training, but few track data or prioritize affordability of this work.

Academic Success Tip: Kick-Starting Conversations Around Course Completion
Administrators at IU Indianapolis created a facilitation guide to assist in conversations with faculty members about improving course completion rates. The guide will be implemented in several departments starting this term.
Report: Trustees Pressed Chapel Hill on Student Admissions

25 Stats for 2025
Inside Higher Ed compiled two dozen–plus data points to help guide strategic decision-making and student success initiatives on college campuses.

This Is What We’ll Do When You Mess With Us
Daniel DiMassa writes critically of the university’s new rules of free thought in an “OK AI” age.

U of Michigan Says DEI Official Fired Over ‘Behavior’ at Protest, Conference
The New York Times reported that Rachel Dawson was fired after allegedly saying that Jews didn’t need her office’s diversity services. After that article, the university added that she misbehaved at a protest.

Massive Decline in Protests From Spring to Fall 2024
Campuses saw as few as a third as many pro-Palestinian protests this semester as they did in the spring, when an unprecedented wave of encampments swept the nation.
Idaho State Board of Education Passes Anti-DEI Resolution
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