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Profit and Competency

Kaplan University creates new "competency reports" for all 45,000 students, a move that adds momentum, and risks, for competency-based education's spread.

Ignorance or Bigotry?

Duke punishes, but lets return to campus, the student who placed a noose on a tree. In student's apology, he claims ignorance of the meaning of a noose -- an explanation that only some on campus accept.

'Indian Spectacle'

Author discusses her new book on the role and long-term impact of Native American mascots of college teams.

Suits From the Accused

As more men turn to Title IX to defend themselves from sexual assault accusations by their colleges, they find long odds against them. As a result, some turn to OCR.

Mentoring Scholars, Not Just Filling Sections

If visiting assistant professorships get a bad rap, one college says it does them better.

Title IX Coordinators Required

Office for Civil Rights releases new guidance. Some say it's sorely needed. Others question why colleges weren't consulted.

The Coaching Transformation

Shifting from being a professor to a coach in a competency-based program isn't easy, write Christine Seifert and Richard Chapman, but it pays off for both students and instructors.

Missoula's Mistakes

New book by Jon Krakauer shows how colleges and local law enforcement clash over campus sexual assault.