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Autonomy Gained

The members of the five high-revenue conferences make up 18 percent of all Division I colleges, but a new NCAA governance structure gives them nearly 40 percent of the voting power.

XBA Certificate for Veterans

Fullbridge gets into the credential business by partnering with Concordia University Chicago on new graduate certificate aimed at veterans of the U.S. military.

Left Behind

With NCAA set to adopt new governance system designed to let wealthiest conferences give more benefits to athletes, critics fear growing gap between haves and have-nots.

An NCAA Power Grab

The most powerful sports conferences claim that pending changes to the NCAA's governance system are just about helping athletes -- but they'll contribute to an escalating arms race, writes Bob Kustra.

It's the Faculty's Job, Too

The career center can't do it all -- professors in liberal arts fields must also take responsibility for their students' job prospects, Patricia Okker argues.

Sex Assault Bill Unveiled

Bipartisan Senate bill would stiffen penalties on colleges and require campus climate surveys. College lobbyists are skeptical of much of the legislation.

Testing, but No Treatment

NCAA agrees to create $70 million fund to diagnose concussions and related ailments, but lawsuit settlement won't provide any money for those who need care.

UD or VD?

University of Dayton is latest institution to get hit with criticism over a logo design that doesn't strike people the way the marketing team hoped it would.