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Most College Students Aren’t Hostile Toward Jews or Israel
A new study from Brandeis found that about one-third of college students surveyed agreed with at least one negative statement about Jews or Israel.
Does Solving Credit Mobility Require Retiring the Completion Agenda?
We need a paradigm shift in thinking about transfer and completion.
Boston U Grad Worker Strike Now Longest in a Decade
With fall classes beginning about a week from now, the private institution must reach a deal soon with its student employees—or face further disruption.
UT San Antonio to Merge With UT Health Science Center
Columbia’s Medical School Receives $400 Million
Wisconsin Regents Vote to Lay Off Dozens of Tenured Faculty
Cal State System Pilots GPA Reset Program to Re-Enroll Stop-Outs
Fourteen colleges in the California State University system will reach out to learners with some credit but no degree to aid in re-enrollment and completion. The pilot will provide data and insight for a possible policy change.
Struggling to Create AI Policies? Ask Your Students
A professor at Florida International University tasked her students with devising an ethical guide to using AI in their classes—and found them to be stricter than she would have been.
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