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Just 1 Book

Christopher Schaberg describes how he learned to slow down and enjoy learning with his students.

Counseling Center Use Dropped During Pandemic

“Dramatically” fewer students on average sought treatment from their college counseling centers during the coronavirus pandemic compared to before the...

More Professors Ditch Print

A majority of faculty members say the pandemic affected their course structures last year. Only 15 percent thought changes were for the better.

Academic Minute: Between Living and Dead

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Redlands Week: Tim Seiber, associate professor of science and media studies...

Research Libraries Commend Biden's Use of Science

The Association of Research Libraries commended the Biden administration’s stated intention to rely on science to address issues like the...

Schumer Calls for More NSF Funding to Compete With China

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday he will propose increasing funding for the National Science Foundation by billions to...

2U, Guild Tap Deeper Into Adult Education Market

New deal gives 2U access to more companies' employees who are seeking training. Guild gets a broader slate of program offerings and 2U partner universities.

More College Students Are Eligible for Food Stamps

The Education Department urged colleges and universities to spread the word to students that more are eligible for food stamp...