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The Unbearable Labor of Understanding

Unfortunately, the burden of understanding the why and how of the recent Capitol Hill riots will yet again fall upon people who already have been unfairly taxed, argues José Villalba.

A Push for ‘Patriotic Education’

Trump wants to put his mark on U.S. history education via a new White House report. Actual historians say the report belongs in the trash.

Creating Rich Transcripts for Career Activation

Institutions should be embarrassed by the standard transcripts they have been issuing, unchanged for a century, and students should demand better, argues Fred Cutler.

Why Flipped Classes Often Flop

Chandralekha Singh shares some lessons she learned from students taking such courses during the pandemic.

'Key' Podcast Episode Examines Enrollment of Vulnerable Students

The new episode of The Key, Inside Higher Ed's news and analysis podcast, examines the disturbing data on fall 2020...

Nanoscience Journal Victim of ‘Rogue Editor Network’ Attack

An academic journal's editorial team was unable to contact scammers who'd convinced them to pursue a special issue because fake...

GAO: Education Department Should Ensure Data on TRIO's Effectiveness Are Accurate

The Education Department should examine if it is getting accurate information from those receiving TRIO funds to see if the...

N.C. State Students Protest Employee With Alleged Ties to Proud Boys

Students at North Carolina State University held a demonstration Tuesday afternoon against employee Chadwick Seagraves, a desktop support manager. Seagraves...