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Inconsistent Information on Indirect Expenses

Some colleges provide detailed lists of transportation, housing and other indirect expenses, while others provide nothing. Without clear information, students can end up in dire financial situations.

Report: Trump to Prioritize Skills Over Degrees in Fed Hiring

The Associated Press on Thursday reported the Trump administration and a workforce committee led by Ivanka Trump, a senior adviser...

Concordia University School of Law Closing

Concordia University School of Law in Boise, Idaho, will not reopen this fall after the end of its summer term...

Publishing Season, Flu Season

Scott McLemee explores books pertinent to COVID-19 that are forthcoming this fall.

Surveying the Spring Semester Student Experience

Several surveys examining students’ impression of the rapid shift to remote instruction in the spring semester have indicated dissatisfaction with...

Report: Focus Funding on Colleges Best Able to Help Unemployed

As higher education faces an uncertain future amid a global pandemic and calls for greater racial equality, the nation’s governors...

Post-Pandemic, Will China Use Its Students as Bargaining Chips?

Experts say Taiwan could well lose students, but they differ on other parts of the world.

Civil Liberties Groups Defend New Title IX Regulations

Three organizations that advocate for free speech rights on college campuses filed a petition in Maryland district court seeking to...