From Rachel Toor
The initial goal of The Sandbox was to help make the job of the presidency visible. We focused on giving current and former leaders a space to write with honesty, vulnerability, and humor about what it’s like to be the living logo of a higher ed institution.
We will continue to do that.
We’ve also been bringing some advice from experts. We know that when it comes to animal farm higher ed, all are equal, but some are more equal than others. For those who can’t afford top-shelf consultants, we want to bring a little extra help.
We will continue to do that. And more.
As we enter the new year, now that presidents have seen they can trust us to scrub their identifying details and be radically honest in what they share here, we’re going to encourage leaders to step farther out of their comfort zone and express opinions that could get them in big fat trouble if their name is attached. Thinking of calling these pieces “Touching the third rail (without getting fried).”
If there was ever a time for candor in our mission-driven biz, this is it. Here’s an opportunity to practice saying things in a safe space. If you want to write a response to anything you disagree with, just email me. We welcome all voices and opinions.
Oh, and thanks to everyone who offered me condolences/expressions of concern for losing my work wife, Doug Lederman. Creating The Sandbox with him has been the funnest thing of my career. But I know how to reach my little friend cofounder, and continue to make fun of him crack him up on our cross-country dog walks.
The good news, as everyone who has already met Sara Custer knows, is our new editor in chief is smart, thoughtful, knowledgeable, kind, and, annoyingly, funnier than me. Inside Higher Ed is entering an exciting new era. I’ll be introducing Sara to you in an upcoming issue. Get ready to be delighted.