The Sandbox, a weekly newsletter, is a benefit for paying Insider members designed to help higher ups in higher ed do their challenging jobs. It’s a place to play and create, share ideas, and allow leaders to say what they really think. We strive to provide a Saturday morning read that is both insightful and entertaining. And we rely on current and past leaders to write to and for us. Contact author Rachel Toor if you want to share feedback and jump into the conversation.
The Sandbox is sent each Saturday morning. Not receiving it? Email us at
And now for something completely different: not just another boring newsletter to doom scroll.
"I don't know a single woman of color serving as a college or university president who has not received a credible threat of violence.Not one."
We want leaders to come and tell us what’s going on. Here are some tips to make the most of media visits.
Long-serving former presidents dish about bad board behavior.
How broken is higher ed? A current president lists the ways.
We want leaders to come and tell us what’s going on. Here are some tips to make the most of media visits.
Twenty years after co-founding Inside Higher Ed, Doug Lederman teaches us how to say goodbye. (Though his next chapter won’t be sitting under a vine and fig tree.)
The fun of fundraising: doing part of the president’s job that others find icky.
You cannot make this stuff up. Seriously. You just can’t.
What we talk about when we talk about talking. Or, what the experts say we should think about before we speak.
Do effective presidents need to learn how to overcome their academic training to communicate with non-scholarly humans?
4/5 Articles remaining
this month.