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8 Steps to Prepare for a Pandemic That’s Becoming Endemic

It’s time for colleges to rethink their plans for the spring semester, write David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler, who present a path that offers a balance between safety and normalcy.

Holiday Wishes

Words of thanks for my wise and worldly readers.

5 Unexpected Skills Volunteer Service Adds to Your Career

You can apply the abilities and attributes you’ve strengthened through service not only as you seek your first job but as you move into other positions, writes Keira Wilson.

Books Reviewed in 2021

Any overlap with your reading this past year?

Colleges Must Redefine Leadership

Women of color are doing much of the work that benefits institutions, yet they aren’t being recognized or rewarded for it, writes M. Cristina Alcalde, citing three areas that should be addressed.

Friday Fragments

A tribute to bell hooks, TB comes home for the break and TG gets her first acceptance letter.

Spring Action

Scott McLemee highlights more books upcoming in the new year, with a focus on the pandemic.

3 Questions for Digital Nomad and Yellowdig CMO Deb Bolton

Is working from anywhere and everywhere the future of ed tech work?