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An overwhelmed woman sits at a table in front of a laptop, her head in one hand; in the other she holds a sign that reads “HELP!” The sign fully obscures her face.

How Accommodating Can (Should) I Be?

As colleges relax the rules to account for students’ real struggles, David Galef asks when accommodations may go too far.

3 Questions for Stanford’s Carissa Little

A conversation with an associate dean of global and online education.

Man stands in a sea of paper holding an umbrella turned inside out as a huge wave of more paper approaches

Overcoming Academe’s Addiction to Addition

It’s an unsustainable management strategy, writes Vicki L. Baker, and administrators should instead establish systems to ensure workloads remain manageable.

A stack of four wooden blocks with the words “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” against an orange background.

The Reeducation of DEI

DEI in the university should be reimagined as education, not training, Patrick J. Casey writes.

Woman climbing up ladder toward light emanating from a hole in the ceiling

Lead Without Shrinking

Too often, women must second-guess our well-earned authority, minimize our accomplishments or dim our light to make others comfortable, writes Roshni Rao.

The Central Role of the Study of Tragedy

To better prepare undergraduates for life’s complexities, place tragedy front and center in humanities classes.

Wooden blocks spelling “LEGACY” sit atop a pile of shiny coins.

Our Kids Could Benefit From Legacy Preferences at Yale: We Still Oppose Them

Birikti Kahsai and Sam Haddad argue it’s past time for legacy admissions to end.

The book cover for Anthony Grafton’s “Magus: The Art of Magic from Faustus to Agrippa.”

The Scholar-Magician

Scott McLemee reviews Anthony Grafton’s Magus: The Art of Magic from Faustus to Agrippa.