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Three Questions on Online Learning Compliance for U-M’s Ricky LaFosse
A conversation with the associate director of compliance and policy at the University of Michigan’s Center for Academic Innovation.
Congratulations! You’ve been promoted. Now what?
As a senior team member, don’t ignore the benefits of newness that an appointee from the outside would have, write Laurie Fenlason and Jenn Desjarlais.
What Do You Need to Reach a New Career Stage?
It’s important to know the specific competencies required, write Jovana Milosavljevic Ardeljan, Mark Kaloko, Connor Ferguson and Tithi Basu Mallik.
Bob Dylan’s Ongoing Journey
What the Nobel Prize-winner’s career reveals about the wellsprings of artistic creativity.
In Return to Tests, Don’t Forgo Disability Equity
As colleges reinstate standardized testing requirements, they must consider students with learning disabilities, Dwight Richardson Kelly writes.
Why and How to Become a Public Scholar
As academics, we are concerned with data and assessing outcomes, writes Angel M. Jones, but are we truly measuring the impact of our work?
Is College Worth It?
David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler review a new book taking on the “myth” of the college wage premium.
How Open Should Teachers Be About Using AI?
A lot has been written about the impact of AI on student work, but relatively little has focused on the role it should play for instructors, writes Steve Baule.
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