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Higher Education at a Crossroads

Will we allow a college education to become more stratified, transactional, and vocational, or will we push back and create a model that is more developmental and transformational?

Two pro-Palestinian protestors at New York University stand face-to-face with a line of New York Police Department officers.

Police Repression Is the Problem, Not the Solution

Moral bankruptcy and institutional authoritarianism best describe the increasingly violent campus climate for pro-Palestinian student activism, write Charles H.F. Davis III, Jude Paul Dizon, Jessica Hatrick, and Vanessa Miller.

A Time for Leaders, Not Managers

Some positive and negative examples in the real world.

Scale with a red hand balancing scales containing one red ball on one side and many black balls in a pyramid on the other, with the red ball obviously heavier

Are Faculty Members Fair?

A sense of unfairness can result in students even leaving grad school altogether, write Heather McGhee Peggs, Julie Boncompain and Brent Epperson.

Jackson Lears: The Scholar as Cultural Critic

Cultural critique as a model for humanistic study.

A police officer mounted on a horse, faces a group of protesting students, one holding a sign that reads “Free Palestine”.

Are We Repeating the Mistakes of the 1960s?

Police-based strategies for containing campus protests fail in balancing safety with student expression, Yalile Suriel writes.

Why—and How—Marketers Should Receive Feedback as a Gift

Four tactics for embracing feedback from nonmarketers.

Three Questions for Pepperdine’s Farzin Madjidi on Working with 2U

A conversation with the dean of Pepperdine University’s Graduate School of Education and Psychology.