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Among the items that went viral on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere this weekend was a professor's obituary, written with love by his son. Robert Spiegel taught Russian literature for decades at Central Connecticut State University. The mix of serious and humorous sentiments in his obituary prompted many to share it. Here's an excerpt: "Over the course of 43 years of teaching, he introduced countless neophytes to the wonders of the well-written word, passionately teaching the likes of Dostoyevsky, Vonnegut, Gogol, Gibson and virtually everyone in between. The final, and an immensely popular course he taught, was that of the literature of baseball. This was thinly veiled therapy to alleviate the trauma he sustained from coaching arguably the worst little league team in recorded (or unrecorded) history and from the sufferings he endured from 40 years as a devout Mets fan." The full obituary is here, and an Associated Press article about the obituary may be found here.