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Lisa S. Coico (right) quit as president of City College of the City University of New York on Friday, a day after The New York Times raised new questions about her personal expenses and management of federal grants, the Times reported. Coico, president since 2010, did not say why she resigned. The newspaper reported that its investigation deals in part with whether Coico's expenses were recorded properly or were postdated.

On Sunday, CUNY asked the state inspector general to conduct an investigation about whether Coico has misused funds from a foundation with ties to CUNY, The Wall Street Journal reported. A CUNY lawyer told Coico to return the funds, which she is alleged to have used on personal expenses, four years ago, but CUNY officials have now reported to the state  that they “discovered that in fact she did not return all the funds, despite her representations to the contrary.” Coico, who has denied wrongdoing, declined to comment to the Journal.