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John Engler (right), interim president of Michigan State University, is under fire for comments he made about some of the scores of victims of Larry Nassar, the former university employee now in jail for abusing them. In an interview with The Detroit News, he contrasted those who have received public attention with those who have not. "You’ve got people, they are hanging on and this has been … there are a lot of people who are touched by this, survivors who haven’t been in the spotlight," he said. "In some ways they have been able to deal with this better than the ones who’ve been in the spotlight who are still enjoying that moment at times, you know, the awards and recognition. And it’s ending. It’s almost done."

When a Michigan State trustee criticized Engler on Twitter, a student asked why she wasn't pushing for Engler's removal.

Michigan State did not respond to a request for comment on Engler's comments.