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A survey of high school seniors by Niche found that diversity is the top aspect they want in a potential college.

A diverse student body was appealing to 42 percent of respondents (to a survey with more than 20,000 respondents), and an additional 37 percent said that it was a must-have in their college experience. Diversity among faculty and staff was appealing to 45 percent, and an additional 31 percent identified it as a must-have.

Only 9 percent reported that they were receiving “very personalized and relevant” outreach, and the share of students reporting that all colleges look and sound alike nearly doubled, from 15 percent to 27 percent.

For the majority of students (51 percent) who have not visited a campus yet, resources (time, money, transportation, etc.) were the most common reason why not, with 20 percent citing that reason. Another 19 percent said that they are waiting to decide where they are going to enroll prior to visiting.