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Assessing the Potential Lethality of Domestic Violence Offenders

How do we help domestic violence victims? In today’s Academic Minute, Texas A&M University at San Antonio’s Durant Frantzen has some suggestions.

The Covert U.S. ‘War on Terror’ in Somalia

U.S. foreign policy and military actions are usually under the microscope, but not always. In today’s Academic Minute, Kennesaw State University’s Jason C. Mueller looks into a more covert “war on terror.”

Zooming In on Appearance Dissatisfaction

Do you like the way you look when you’re on Zoom calls? In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Colorado’s Emily Hemendinger says if you don’t, you’re not alone.

Novel Approach to Decreasing Drug Prices

Rising costs are everywhere. In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Texas’s Melissa Wasserman explores a novel way to reduce them for one sector.

Weekly Wisdom | Special New Years Episode with Doug Lederman and Bridget Burns

Join Doug Lederman and Dr. Bridget Burns from the University Innovation Alliance for an engaging discussion wrapping up 2023 and teeing up the significant issues higher education faces for 2024.

Mike Ibba form Chapman University on mentorship and the future of US science

What philosophers and scientists can learn from each other and the state of public funding for research.

How Human Law Can Apply to AI

Can artificial intelligence run an LLC by itself? In today’s Academic Minute, Vanderbilt University’s Daniel Gervais examines the laws of the land to find out.

Jacques Berlinerblau on Protest and Learning

This week’s episode of the Syllabus podcast features a conversation with Jacques Berlinerblau, an MSNBC commentator and Georgetown University professor, about the impact of campus protests on student learning.