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A group of bored, disengaged-seeming college students in a lecture hall.

Rethinking Student Engagement

Students have changed, and instructors should reconsider their assumptions about what engagement means, Mary C. Kern and Terri R. Kurtzberg write.

A stock photo of a university building next to a sign that reads "university," next to a tree in autumn with red leaves.

Survivability Is Not Sustainability 

The existential question of institutional survivability may mask more important questions about sustainability and mission, Mark La Branche writes.

A calendar with the 15th of the month circled in red pen. A red pen lies atop the calendar.

Why Aren’t College Grads ‘Job-Ready’?

Patrick J. Casey argues that the reluctance to enforce deadlines and other workplace norms is not serving students well.

The book cover for “Lifting the Veil on Enrollment Management: How a Powerful Industry is Limiting Social Mobility in American Higher Education,” edited by Stephen J. Burd.

Yes, the Enrollment Management Industry Is Harming Higher Ed

Financial aid leveraging leaves low-income students and their families with heavy debt loads, Stephen J. Burd writes.

The book cover for "The Academic Trumpists: Radicals Against Liberal Diversity," authored by David L. Swartz, with Nicholas Rodelo.

The Academic Trumpists, Part 2

Scott McLemee concludes his review of David L. Swartz's study of pro-Trump academics.

An icon depicting centralization: the icon features a central circle, from which eight lines and circles radiate outward, akin to the hub and spokes of a wheel.

A Shared Governance Conundrum

The increasing importance of technology demands a shared governance model that combines robust centralized support with academic freedom and autonomy of departments, John Katzman and James DeVaney write.

Three students sit on camels in a desert.

Opportunities for Global Engagement Shape the Leaders of Tomorrow

By fostering an environment where global engagement is not just encouraged but integrated into the fabric of our educational system, we prepare students to thrive in an interconnected world, writes Dan Darko, a dean of global engagement.

An aged copy of the original Robert's Rules of Order. The cover is red with gold writing.

Robert’s Rules of (Campus) Order

To teach students to debate better, colleges already have a proven, 150-year-old method they can draw on, Jason V. Morgan writes.