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A notepad, the first page filled with handwritten notes, lies atop an open laptop, next to a stack of books.

Scientists Owe Taxpayers Comprehensible Science

Funding agencies should require publication of plain-language summaries, Amanda N. Weiss writes.

An empty running track inside a stadium.

How to Better Justify Intercollegiate Athletics

Lou Matz writes that colleges should consider a competitive sports major akin to majors in dance and music.

A group of bored, disengaged-seeming college students in a lecture hall.

Rethinking Student Engagement

Students have changed, and instructors should reconsider their assumptions about what engagement means, Mary C. Kern and Terri R. Kurtzberg write.

A stock photo of a university building next to a sign that reads "university," next to a tree in autumn with red leaves.

Survivability Is Not Sustainability 

The existential question of institutional survivability may mask more important questions about sustainability and mission, Mark La Branche writes.

A calendar with the 15th of the month circled in red pen. A red pen lies atop the calendar.

Why Aren’t College Grads ‘Job-Ready’?

Patrick J. Casey argues that the reluctance to enforce deadlines and other workplace norms is not serving students well.

The book cover for “Lifting the Veil on Enrollment Management: How a Powerful Industry is Limiting Social Mobility in American Higher Education,” edited by Stephen J. Burd.

Yes, the Enrollment Management Industry Is Harming Higher Ed

Financial aid leveraging leaves low-income students and their families with heavy debt loads, Stephen J. Burd writes.

The book cover for "The Academic Trumpists: Radicals Against Liberal Diversity," authored by David L. Swartz, with Nicholas Rodelo.

The Academic Trumpists, Part 2

Scott McLemee concludes his review of David L. Swartz's study of pro-Trump academics.

An icon depicting centralization: the icon features a central circle, from which eight lines and circles radiate outward, akin to the hub and spokes of a wheel.

A Shared Governance Conundrum

The increasing importance of technology demands a shared governance model that combines robust centralized support with academic freedom and autonomy of departments, John Katzman and James DeVaney write.